IB Diploma Visual Arts
Course Description

1. Comparative Study (Form, Theme and Context Analysis)
2. Process Portfolio (Artist’s Journal)
3. Aesthetically and Conceptually Cohesive Exhibition
4. Exhibition Texts
2. Process Portfolio (Artist’s Journal)
3. Aesthetically and Conceptually Cohesive Exhibition
4. Exhibition Texts
Over the course of two years, students learn the process of being an artist in an interdisciplinary context. From research, to media exploration, to skills development, refinement and critical analysis and investigation students develop creative practice and personal vision. Throughout the course, students work towards mounting a conceptually and aesthetically cohesive exhibition, learn critical analysis and investigation through peer critics, artist talks, gallery tours and comparative and analytical essays.
4 Semester Course / 5 hours per week
4 Semester Course / 5 hours per week
Time-based Media

PHOT 314 Architectural Photography:
Human-altered Landscapes
Human-altered Landscapes
SCAD Lacoste
Course Description

1. Lines and Light
2. Re-photographic Survey (HABS)
3. Re-photographic, Reinterpretation
4. Final Portfolio
2. Re-photographic Survey (HABS)
3. Re-photographic, Reinterpretation
4. Final Portfolio
This course explores the unique aesthetic and technical challenges of photographing the human-altered landscape for
personal expression and historical documentation. Slide lecture topics explore the history of landscape and architectural
photography and the documentation standards of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS). Assignments focus on exploring the techniques of architectural photography using the surrounding evironment and the historically preserved site of Maison Basse.
Students may work in color and/or black and white and may use large-, medium- or small-format cameras.
10 Weeks (non-majors, PHOT 113 Pre-requisite)
10 Weeks (non-majors, PHOT 113 Pre-requisite)
PHOT 219/319/475/719/764
Photo Project Seminar
Graduate Seminar
SCAD Hong Kong
Course Description

1. In-Progress Critiques (1,2,3)
2. Writing about Art (Statements and Analysis)
3. Final Critiques and Exhibition
2. Writing about Art (Statements and Analysis)
3. Final Critiques and Exhibition
This course leads students through an exploration of the use of the medium for personal expression. Exploring interdisciplinary uses of the media, students devise and
produce a photographic-based projects that expands on the techniques and processes mastered in previous courses.
10 Weeks(major-based prerequisites)
10 Weeks(major-based prerequisites)
PHOT 220 Large Format Photography
SCAD Hong Kong
Course Description

1. Landscape
2. Architecture (HABS)
3. Still Life (Focus)
4. Midterm Porfolio
5. Final Portfolio
2. Architecture (HABS)
3. Still Life (Focus)
4. Midterm Porfolio
5. Final Portfolio
This course provides a thorough introduction to 4x5 and 8x10 view camera technology and aesthetics by covering a number
of image-making techniques and applications in the studio and on location. Students learn large format tray development for black and white film and Imacon drum scanning for color negative film. Landscape, architecture, still life and
specialized techniques are covered.
10 Weeks (major-based prerequisites)
10 Weeks (major-based prerequisites)